Lending a helping hand : to manage the road network.

Booth, J. MacDonald, M. & Hawker, L.

Most Intelligent Transport System (ITS) applications demand accurate and current data from the transport network. This includes not only data relating to accidents, maintenance activities and events but also the definition of the road network itself. In England there are a series of interconnected initiatives that aim to provide management of the major road network and provide integrated sources of information to traffic and travel service providers, including ITS service providers. This paper examines the initiatives being undertaken to bring traffic and travel data to service providers and the benefits that are expected to result from them. In particular, this paper focuses on the availability of information from traditional road management and maintenance functions including the key reference data for ITS systems such as accurate, current network maps.

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C 31550 (In: C 31321 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E826311

In: ITS - enriching our lives : proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Chicago, Illinois, October 14-17, 2002, 7 p.

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