Les dispositifs d'antipatinage pour vehicules industriels = Bremsblockierreglereinrichtung Nutzfahrzeuge = Anti-skid system applied to industrial vehicles. Paper presented at the 13th FISITA congress, June 8-11, 1970.

Furia, A. & G. Bourgoin

The adaptation of Anti-skid devices to industrial vehicles has to be approached from a particular angle, in order to make sure, in actual practice, that the resulting increased safety will become an industrial reality, exactly suited to the imperious economic needs that these vehicles are to meet. The object of the present study is to determine such a device. It contains 3 parts:-Definition of the operating principle of an Anti-skid system.- Study of the reacceleration conditions of the braked wheel.- Simulation of the Anti-skid system as defined.

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A 5358 (In: A 5342 II) IRRD 53262

In: Proceedings from the 13th FISITA congress, 1970, p. 17.3.B

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