Less power, more light : energy saving with LEDs.

Arcand, H.

LED traffic signal lamps have been gaining world-wide recognition during recent years for their demonstrable superiority in saving energy and improving road safety, and red, amber, and green LEDs have already been installed in several cities, for example by Ecolux. Ecolux LEDs can be used in traffic signals, arrows, and pedestrian signals, and fully integrated into any monitoring system; they also meet today's higher safety standards. Their electrical connection voltages range from 12V for solar-powered models to 240V for the European market. Their electronic components enable them to form part of a homogeneous, reliable, and intelligent system. Their housing is stable and weather-resistant, and fits perfectly into existing installations. Hardware and climatic conditions vary considerably between different parts of the world, and influence a LED lamp's characteristics. Ecolux has developed devices to control LED current according to ambient temperature, and ensure optimal brightness and visibility all year round. Similarly, the design requirements for traffic signals vary considerably between different countries. LED traffic signal lamps are becoming more sophisticated; for example, Ecolux lamps have efficient optical design, and their power supplies are adaptable for all voltages and controllers. They work well on site.

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C 20850 (In: C 20842) /73 / IRRD E101696

In: Traffic technology international '99, p. 107-108

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