Lichtvoering fietsers en brom- en snorfietsers : nulmeting 2003.

Koomen, M. & Veld, R. in 't (red.)

There is the impression that cyclists to not have enough lighting and neither (to a lesser extent) do mopedists and light-mopedists. That is why The Ministry of Transport commissioned the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research to study this. The current study of early 2003 is the base measurement of a coming series of studies. Here it is important to keep the method consistent in order to be able to follow the development. The twelve measurement locations provide a good picture of the present situation of bicycle lights, which are best outside the very urbanized west of the country. There is also a difference nationally between front and rear lights. The front light works more often properly than the rear light. This difference is almost independent of the road features. On the other hand, a significant difference was found in the front light between cycling in a group or alone. Groups of cyclists have their lights on more often. Older cyclists have proper working lighting more often than the younger ones (up to 25 years old). Besides this being a base measurement, this study can be compared, for some areas, with the earlier studies in 1993 and 1996. The national conclusion from this is that the decline of both front and rear lights between 1993 and 1996 has continued.

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C 26756 [electronic version only]

Rotterdam, Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV, 2003, 20 p. + bijl.

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