Liège : incident detection system.

Rollus, J. Bouzinab, A. & Chavret, M.

Liege is situated at the East of the Walloonia area in the South of Belgium. The town and its periphery have about 600,000 inhabitants. It is the middle of a web network of European motorways (E40, E42, E25 and E313) linked with 3 urban freeways (A601, A602 and A604) through some interchange nodes (Grace-Hollogne, Loncin, Vottem, Cheratte and Battice). Therefore, the Liege region is crossed by a transit flow of traffic coming from Germany (Aachen and Koln), Netherlands (Maastricht and Amsterdam), United Kingdom (London via Brussels), France (Paris and Lyons), Luxemburg and the Antwerpen harbour. The urban freeways give access to downtown and to industrial sites of outskirts. The length of the motorway network is about 80 kilometres. Mix of transit traffic and periurban traffic, the density of interchange nodes (each 2 or 3 km) and the ground profile have as consequences an important number of accidents and traffic congestion. For the covering abstract see IRRD E102946.

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C 26493 [electronic version only] /70 / IRRD E103528

In: Towards the new horizon together : proceedings of the 5th world congress on intelligent transport systems, held 12-16 October 1998, Seoul, Korea, Paper No. 2129, 8 p.

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