Light commercial vehicle safety.


In 2015 crashes involving light commercial vehicles accounted for 262 road deaths (21 per cent of road deaths), down 3.7 per cent on 2014. Deaths in crashes involving light commercial vehicles were down 5.0 per cent on the National Road Safety Strategy base period 2008—2010, significantly less than light passenger vehicle involved crashes (16.4 per cent). While this is partly due to greater exposure (kilometres travelled by light commercial vehicles increased at almost five times the rate for light passenger vehicles between 2008 and 2015), the fatal crash rate for light commercial vehicles is still 17 per cent higher per billion VKT than for light passenger vehicles. (Author/publisher)


20170221 ST [electronic version only]

Canberra, Australian Government, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics BITRE, 2017, 15 p., 5 ref.; Information Sheet 87 - ISSN 1440-9593 / ISBN 978-1-925531-26-8

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