A light scattering method to measure real-time particulate emissions.

Gong, R. & Williams, K.

Dynamic analysis of particulate emissions from vehicles has been a challenge. A dynamic particulate measurement method applying light scattering theory is being developed at Victoria University. A particle model has to be set to apply light scattering theory. To simplify the problem, a Fraunhofer diffraction model has been used. The scattered light intensities have been measured at different scattered angles from the particles in an exhaust stream with a lock-in amplifier system, and then the scattered light intensities were used in the model to solve the particle size distributions. Since the model equations are non-linear, analytical solutions cannot be obtained easily. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210413.

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C 29042 (In: C 28997 CD-ROM) /15 /71 / ITRD E210385

In: ATRF03 : [proceedings of the] 26th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF) : leading transport research in the 21st century, Wellington, New Zealand, 1-3 October 2003, 12 p.

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