Lighting problems in highway traffic : proceedings of a symposium held at the Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, Sweden, October 1962.

Ingelstam, E. (ed.)

Proceedings of a symposium held in Stockholm, October 1962. The main problems discussed at this symposium on 'lighting problems in highway traffic'' were: The glare-effect from the standpoint of physiological optics / Schober. H. Research and visual problems in night-driving / Arnulf, A. Quality measurements of road lighting installations / Zwet, C.J. von. The practice of illuminating the highways / Trappen, E. von der. Influence of light distribution of headlamps on seeing distances / Zechnall, R. Visible distances during night driving / Bergström, S.S. Subjective brightness and contrast in relation to the visual task in night driving / Wright, W.D. Disability glare and discomfort glare / Hartmann, E. Adaptation time after glare / Ottander, C. Problems and some findings with polarized headlights / Ingelstam E. & Kjell-Berg, B. How polarized head-lighting might be introduced / Jehu, V.J.

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Oxford [etc.], Pergamon Press, 1963, 151 p., graph., photos; Wenner-Gren Center International Symposium Series ; Volume 2.

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