Limited emission factors determination of alternative fuels vehicles.

Smékal, P.

A strategic target of the European Union is to let alternative fuels replace conventional fuels in order to decrease crude oil import dependence. The priorities in the field of alternative fuels are the comparison of particular fuels from the point of view environmental impact, production and running costs, energy intensity, etc. The paper presents development of using alternative fuels in the transportation, their difficulties and advantages of using especially their availability and environmental impact at combustion. In the article is described emission factors and determination of limited pollutants (NOx, CO, HC, PM) at combustion of alternative fuels in dependence on engine operating mode. The measurement proceeded at three speeds imitating fast-moving traffic of vehicle (30 km.h-1,50 km.h-1,80 km.h-1), emissions of urban driving were determined by standard test EHK 83.04. The using alternative fuels are CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), E85 (bioethanol fuel 85 % bioethanol + 15 % gasoline), LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas), mixed motor fuels (31 % biodiesel (RME) + 69 % diesel, 5 % biodiesel (RME) + 95 % diesel, 5 % bioethanol + 95 % gasoline, 15 % ETBE (ethylterc butylether) + 85 % gasoline). The calculated emission factors of particular alternative fuels are compared in the graphs in the article. (Author/publisher)

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20071561 ii ST (In: 20071561 ST CD-ROM)

In: Young Researchers Seminar 2007, Brno, Czech Republic, 27-30 May 2007, arranged by European Conference of Transport Research Institutes ECTRI, Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories FEHRL, Centrum Dopravniho Vyzkumu and Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI), 9 p., 4 ref.

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