Limiting the effects of incidents on urban arterial roadways.

Raub, R.A.

Non-recurring events such as traffic crashes can generate significant congestion and delay on heavily travelled urban arterial roadways unless adequately managed. Effective management includes traffic control. The process also is integral to intelligent transportation systems (ITS) planning. The North-western University Traffic Institute recently completed a study which examined the impacts and management of arterial street incidents to determine what steps could be taken to improve the handling of such events. One important area addressed related to communications and included: Response in a manner and with adequate resources to minimise the time an incident affects a scene; On-scene co-ordination to expedite removal of vehicles and debris; Effective traffic control at and around the incident, and Communication with motorists who may be affected by long duration incidents. (A)

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C 17539 (In: C 17522) /73 /82 /83 / ITRD E105219

In: Proceedings of the 8th world conference on transport research WCTR, Antwerp, July 12-17, 1998, Volume 2: planning, operation, management and control, p. 395-409, 29 ref.

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