On linear-parameter-varying roll angle controller design for two-wheeled vehicles.

Corno, M. Massaro, M. Lot, R. & Savaresi, S.M.

The work addresses the design of a roll angle controller for a motorcycle simulator. The lean angle controller is part of a higher level virtual rider that plans and executes the trajectory. The higher level controller generates a reference roll angle that the inner roll angle controller tracks. The proposed controller is a Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) controller. Jacobian linearization of a multi-body vehicle simulator is employed to obtain an LPV model that is then used to design the controller; in particular it is shown that the dynamics are strongly dependent on the longitudinal velocity and lateral acceleration. Simulation tests and comparison with a fixed structure controller shows that the LPV controller by adapting to the varying dynamics achieves better performance. (Author/publisher) For this paper, other papers and posters presented at this Symposium see http://bicycle.tudelft.nl/bmd2010/

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20122385 g ST [electronic version only]

In: Proceedings of the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2010 Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 20-22 October 2010, Pp.

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