Linear programming model for pavement management.

Davis, C.F. & Dine, C.P. van

A computer model, CONNPAVE, has been developed for the connecticut department of transportation. The model uses a probabilistic linear programming formulation for optimising maintenance and reconstruction activities. The objective function is to minimise user costs; the constraints are the budget, production capacity, and the recursive relation, which carries the optimisation over the planning period.The ease of running the program permits the examination of numerous budgetary scenarios. It is anticipated that the projections of deterioration and treatment effectiveness, which are central to the model, will be continually updated as routine field surveys monitor pavement performance.

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C 16542 (In: C 16532 S) /22 /23 / IRRD 829215

In: Pavement management and weigh-in-motion : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1200, p. 71-75, 3 ref.

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