A linkage study of Western Australia drink driving arrests and road crash records.

Rosman, D.L. Ferrante, A.M. & Marom, Y.

Records of drivers in all reported road crashes occurring in Western Australia between 1987 and 1995 were linked with records of all drink driving arrests in the same period. About 7% of all drink driving arrests occurred because of a road crash. Differences were observed between these drink-driving crashes and other types of road crashes. Drink driving crashes tended to be more severe than those not involving alcohol. Serious crashes (involving fatalities or hospitalisations) accounted for 20% of alcohol-related crashes, but only 6% of all crashes reported over the study period. From another perspective, crash-related drink-driving arrests were more likely than routine enforcement arrests to involve a greater proportion of Aboriginal drivers. (Author/publisher).

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I E107943 /83 / ITRD E107943

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2001 /03. 33(2) Pp211-20 (18 Refs.)

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