Linking crash patterns to ITS-related archived data : Phase II. Volume II: Evaluations of ITS strategies.

Abdel-Aty, M. Pande, A. Lee, C. Gayah, V. Cunningham, R. Dhindsa, A. & Dilmore, J.

In Volume I of the report models for assessing real-time crash risk were developed by analyzing freeway loop detector data corresponding to historical crash and non-crash cases. This volume (Volume II) of the report provides application of a subset of those models for evaluating ITS strategies in a simulation environment (PARAMICS) for their potential benefits in improving real-time safety on the I-4 corridor. It was found that under congested conditions Ramp Metering and/or Route Diversion can yield significantreduction in real-time crash risk while under free flow and conditions approaching congestion Variable Speed Limits may be more beneficial. (Author/publisher)

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C 49709 [electronic version only] /73 / ITRD E851357

Orlando, FL, University of Central Florida, Orlando Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2007, XXXIII + 833 p., 68 ref.; FDOT BD550-05 Vol. II

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