Literatuuronderzoek femurbreuken ten behoeve van letselvoorspellend model van de SWOV.

Wismans, J.S.H.M.

A literature review with the aim of acquiring data for a common injury forecasting model for the Dutch institute for road safety research SWOV is discussed. The purpose of the model is to determine the statistical chance of injuries of a defined population group as a function of the impact of violence. The system which was chosen, the human femur, is relatively simple as compared with other parts of the human body, in which often injuries are shown in traffic accidents, such as the head and the thorax, the data obtained are rather complex. With the aid of the MADYMO two-dimensional vehicle occupant model a further parameter reduction in the axial load tests can be obtained and differences between knee and femur loads can be interpreted.

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B 18304 S /84/ IRRD 253896

Delft, Instituut voor Wegtransportmiddelen TNO, 1981, 47 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Rapport No. 700160127- A.

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