Literatuuronderzoek voertuigkering H4-niveau : een literatuurstudie naar voertuigkeringen beproefd op H4-niveau volgens prEN 1317-1 en prEN 1317-2. In opdracht van Bouwdienst Rijkswaterstaat, Apeldoorn.

Pol, W.H.M. van de

Not many full-scale tests at the H4 level have yet been carried out according to the first and second standards of the prEN 1317. For this reason, only a few H4 tests are mentioned in the literature. Full-scale tests conducted with heavy vehicles are also mentioned in the literature. These tests deviate from the H4 tests listed in the first and second standards of the prEN 1317. They are included here to supplement the limited number of tests at H4 level found in the literature. Some conclusions are: (1) Heavy vehicle safety barriers can be made of either steel or concrete. Examples of constructions made of both these materials were found that satisfy the desired H4 level; (2) For a fixed construction, concrete is to be preferred over material for small widths; (3) For more rigid constructions, steel is to be preferred over material for greater widths; (4) The available heavy vehicle safety barriers are higher than the current constructions. Vehicle safety barriers with a height of about 1.3 metres appear to provide good results. With a height of about 1.0 metre, vehicle rollovers still occur; and (5) the damage suffered from collisions involving a steel construction appears to be much greater than damage suffered from collisions involving concrete safety barriers.


C 9635 [electronic version only] /85 / IRRD 897982

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1997, 22 + 39 p., 14 ref.; R-97-49


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