Lives saved by child restraints from 1982 through 1987.

Partyka, S.C.

Estimates derived from the FARS indicate that restraints are very effective in preventing infant and toddler fatalities as child restraint use has increased, the annual number of lives saved has also increased. Based on methods described here, child safety seats and adult belts used by infant and toddler passenger vehicle occupants saved an estimated 75 lives in 1982, 105 in 1983, 126 in 1984, 153 in 1985, 166 in 1986 and 213 in 1987.

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U.S. Department of Transportation /NHTSA. Washington, D.C., National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 1988, I + 22 p. DOT HS- 807371 /NHTSA Technical Report 1982- 1987.

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