Local and regional funding mechanisms for public transportation.

Cambridge Systematics, Inc. KFH Group, Inc. McCollom Management Consulting, Inc. & Hemily, B.

TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 129: Local and Regional Funding Mechanisms for Public Transportation explores a series of transit funding mechanisms with a primary focus on traditional tax- and fee-based funding; and common business, activity, and related funding sources. The report includes an online regional funding database that provides an extensive list of funding sources that are in use or have the prospect of being used at the local and regional level to support public transportation. A user manual for the database is also available online. (Author/publisher)


20090418 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB / National Academy Press, 2009, 71 p., 152 ref.; Transit Cooperative Research Program TCRP Report 129, Project H-34 - ISSN 1073-4872 / ISBN 978-0-309-11771-5

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