Logistiek en de groei van het wegvervoer van bouwmaterialen.

Voordijk, H. Vieveen, A. & Bus, L.

The main question asked in this article is: can the growing demand for road freight transport for supply chains in the building materials industry be explained by applying it to frameworks in which such demand is not only determined by the GDP growth but also by the characteristics of the organisation of logistics? The analysis consists of three steps. Firstly, on the basis of the analysis of national and international transport logistics, vehicle kilometre growth can be explained by highlighting value density changes, by considering the handling factor, and by looking at average haul lengths, average payload weights and at the empty running factor. At the second stage, the effects of policy measures and technological developments upon the logistical strategies of firms are analysed. The research method chosen for this analysis was the case study method. Together, new regulations within the Dutch building sector and the increasing prevalence of prefabrication have caused the need to logistically restructure supply chains for building materials. At the third stage, an explanation is given for how these developments have affected the factors that determine road freight demand. It may be concluded that the models used seem to provide a valid explanation for the increasing demand of road freight traffic in the building materials industry. (A)

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C 12963 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD E201396

Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, Vol. 35 (1999), No. 1, p. 113-134, 11 ref.

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