Long-term changes in crash rates after introduction of a Graduated Driver Licensing decal provision

Curry, A.E.; Elliott, M.R.; Pfeiffer, M.R.; Kim, K.H.; Durbin, D.R.

New Jersey (NJ) implemented the first Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) decal provision in the U.S. in May 2010. An initial study reported a 1-year post-decal decrease in the crash rate among NJ intermediate drivers aged o21 years. Longer-term analysis is critical for policymakers in other states considering whether to implement a decal provision.
Purpose of this study was to evaluate the longer-term (2-year) effect of NJ’s decal provision on overall and agespecific crash rates of young drivers with intermediate licenses. Monthly per-driver police-reported crash rates during January 2006–June 2012 were estimated. Specific crash types included injury, midnight–4:59AM, single-vehicle, multiple-vehicle, and peer passenger crashes. Negative binomial modeling compared pre- versus post-decal crash rates, adjusting for age, gender, calendar month, gas price, and 21- to 24-year-old licensed driver crash rates; piecewise negative binomial regression models accounted for pre-decal crash trends among intermediate drivers. Analyses were conducted in 2013.
Results of the study showed that the adjusted crash rate for intermediate drivers was 9.5% lower in the 2-year post-decal period than the 4-year pre-decal period (95% CI¼0.88, 0.93). Crash rates decreased 1.8% per year before the provision and 7.9% per year in the post-decal period (po0.001 for difference in slopes). For several crash types, effects appeared to be particularly strong for 18- and 19-year-olds. An estimated 3,197 intermediate drivers had crashes prevented.
The study concludes that NJ’s decal provision was associated with a sustained decline in intermediate driver crashes. Future research should aim to better understand the causal mechanism by which NJ’s decal provision may have exerted an effect.

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Verschenen in
American Journal of Preventive Medicine
48 (2)
20220078 ST [electronic version only]

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