Long-term effects of traffic accidents : the annual incidence of permanently disabled inpatients in the Uppsala hospital region, Sweden.

Thorson, J.

The Uppsala hospital region contains about 1/6 of the Swedish population and has been used for in-patient statistics since 1964. With the aid of these statistics it has been possible to study a sizeable and controlled body of material relating to inpatients from traffic accidents. The population at risk were the inhabitants of the Uppsala hospital region. The population was the number of in-patients cared for in 1 year, 1965-1966. It comprised 2500 people. From this group a sample of 830 individuals were examined by post, by telephone and in 429 cases, by means of an interview and physical examination which were conducted in the patient's home. The project also included a methodological study. The main result of the study is that 51% are suffering from some sort of after-effect of the original injury 5 years after the accident and 38% of the patients had moderate physical sequelae.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 25295 /84 /

Lund, Berlingska Boktryckeriet / Jan Thorson & Hoakan Ohlssons, 1975, 91 p., tab., ref. - ISBN 91-9114-129-4

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