Looking time, stimulus complexity, and the perceptual deprivation effect.

Leckart, B.T. Glansville, B. Hootstein, H. [et al.]

Each of 29 college students viewed stimuli of low, middle, and high complexity under instructions to view each stimulus until they "finished looking at it ". Perceptual deprivation periods of 2, 16, or 30 sec. preceded each stimulus. Results indicated that looking time was a direct function of deprivation level and stimulus complexity and that the two variables did not interact.

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2 + 9 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B271 fo /83.2/

Psychonomic Science, Vol. 26 (1972) No. 2 (January), p. 107-108, 1 fig., 7 ref.

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