In the loop.

Hilliard, S.

Inductive loop detectors dominate the traffic sensor market, but loop detectors suffer from erratic behaviour. The IST-222 detector card from Inductive Signature Technologies, Inc (IST) can actively avoid crosstalk that is known to cause erratic loop behaviour. Loop detectors based on old frequency-counting technology cannot provide both high sample rates and good sensitivity at the same time. The standard sample rate for IST detectors is 1,200 samples/second. Many problems with loop detectors are caused by installation errors. Advanced inductive sensors such as IST Single Slot Loop are easier to install. IST technology allows determination of real-time origin and destination, travel time and lane-keeping variation. The goal of an intelligent transport system data collection infrastructure is to anonymously and cost-effectively track every vehicle on the roadway in real-time. For the covering abstract see ITRD E115762.

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C 24743 (In: C 24715) /70 /73 / ITRD E115790

In: Traffic technology international 2002 : the 2002 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 146-150

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