Lover abdominal tolerance and response.

Cavanaugh, J.M. Nyquist, G.W. Goldberg, S.J & King, A.I.

Twelve unembalmed human cadavers were tested for lower abdominal injury tolerance and mechanical response. Based on these tests, the lower abdomen of the unembalmed human cadaver is much less stiff suggested by previous research, and the stiffness is velocity and mass dependent, as it suggested by the correlation coefficients presented in this paper. Force-time history and force-penetration response corridors are presented.

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B 25483 (In: B 254741 /84/ IRRD 803193

In: Proceedings of the 30th Stapp Car Crash Conference, San Diego, October 27-29, 1986, p.41-64, 4 fig., 33 graph., 6 tab., 12 ref. SAE Paper No. 861878.

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