Lower extremity injuries in motor vehicle collisions : a survey of NASS 1997-1999.

Atkinson, T.

Lower extremity injury is common in front seated occupants of motor vehicles involved in collisions. The recent introduction of air bags, while intended to reduce injury to vital body regions, namely the head and chest, may influence the incidence of lower limb injury. The current study examined lower extremity injuries recorded in the National Automotive Sampling System in order to identify injury rates and trends. NASS data from 1995-1999 suggests drivers sustain a lower extremity injury in 35% of collisions. However, the rate of moderate-to-severe injury is low occurring in approximately 11% of front seat occupants. The most common site for moderate-to-serious injury was the foot/ankle. The thigh was most frequently the site of serious lower extremity injuries, with the majority of these injuries due to instrument panel contact. Air bag deployment does not appear to alter the risk of lower extremity injury, while seat belt use tends to slightly decrease the risk. (Author/publisher).

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C 26667 [electronic version only] /80 /84 / ITRD E118461

International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 32 (2003), Nos. 1-2, p. 173-183, 16 ref.

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