Macroscopic analysis of traffic flow of automated vehicles.

Raza, H. & Ioannou, P.

In this paper, a macroscopic traffic flow model of automated vehicles is used to analyse the steady state behaviour of automated traffic flow for different operating conditions. In particular, the authors have compared the convergence characteristics of equilibrium states of time and fixed distance headway policies. The analysis indicates that some of the proposed modes of Automated Highway Systems (AHS) which operate without a traffic flow controller may not be effective in avoiding traffic congestion problems resulting from traffic flow disturbances. The model also predicts the existence of shock waves in extreme cases for some modes of AHS. The results of the analysis can be used as guidelines for designing macroscopic and microscopic control laws. Finally, some of the phenomena predicted by the analysis of the model were validated with the help of simulations.

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C 16627 (In: C 16623) /71 / ITRD E203775

In: Advances in Intelligent Transportation System design : papers presented at the Future Transportation Technology International Conference, San Diego, California, August, 6-8, 1997, SAE Technical Paper 972655, p. 25-34, 4 ref.

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