Macrotexture measurements and related skid resistance at speeds from 20 to 60 miles per hour.

Rose, J.G. Gallaway, B.M. & K.D. Hankins.

The role of macrotexture in imparting friction capabilities to pavement surfaces is of major concern to researches. The effects of macrotexture types and magnitudes on friction numbers and friction-speed gradients are analyzed. Statistical analyses and typical plots are given. Brief descriptions of several macrotexture measurement methods that have or are being used by various agencies in the United States and other countries are presented.

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A 9202 (In: A 9197 S) IRRD 61573

In: Aggregates and skid resistance of bituminous pavements : papers presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, 1970, Highway Research Record HRR 341, p. 33-45

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