MADYMO : a crash victim simulation computer program for biomechanical research and optimiziation of designs for impact injury prevention. Paper presented at the Agard Meeting, Köln, Germany, April 1982.

Wismans, J.S.H.M. Maltha, J. Wijk, J.J. van & Janssen, E.G.

Madymo is a compact general purpose computer program package for two or three-dimensional crash victim simulations. The program predicts the kinematic and dynamatic behaviour of the victim, the enviroment, the safety devices and the crash conditions. The package differs from most of the existing CVS programs by its flexibility in choise of number of linkages and number of elements in each linkage. Great flexibility in the modelling of force interactions between elements and environment is assured by the fact that user-defined submodels can readily be incorporated. The package is used for basic biomechanical crash safety devices such as seat belts, child seats and vehicle paddings. This paper discusses some recent applications of this program package, with special emphasis on the model and computer aided design aspects. (A)

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820823 ST [electronic version only]

[Delft, Research Institute for Road Vehicles IW TNO], 1982, 11 p., 11 ref.

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