Making the network safer : Highways Agency strategic plan for safety.

Highways Agency, Traffic Safety and Environmental Division

Safety is a high priority for the Highways Agency. Improvements to the road infrastructure have been successful in reducing fatal and serious casualties on the trunk road network, to meet the targets set by the Secretary of State for the year 2000. But the Agency is not content to rest on past success. The new targets set by Government for the year 2010 are more demanding and we welcome the challenge to find new ways further to reduce casualties on trunk roads. In particular, as operator of the trunk road network, we plan to work actively with others to reduce casualties, by continuing with the implementation of effective accident reduction measures and the introduction of innovative ideas. This document sets out our new strategic plan for achieving the Highways Agency's contribution to the road safety targets. (Author/publisher)

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C 44949 [electronic version only]

London, Highways Agency, 2000, 24 p.

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