Management and effective use of changeable message signs (final report).

Walton, J.R. Barrett, M.L. & Crabtree, J.D.

Changeable message signs (CMSs) are used to communicate accurate, timely, and pertinent information to travellers on Kentucky's roadways. This information helps travellers avoid hazards or delays and respond properly to changing roadway conditions. In an ideal environment, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) would be able to allocate CMSs to various areas of the state based upon changing needs. The location of each sign would be monitored, and the message could be controlled and checked remotely. Currently these capabilities do not exist. KYTC has four different types of portable CMSs in use throughout the state. Each type has different internal and external interfaces, and each requires different replacement parts. Also, there is no policy or guidelines in place for the use of these signs. The decision on how and when the CMSs are used is made at the district level on a case-by-case basis. This research effort includes an evaluation of Kentucky's current inventory and usage of CMSs, identification of key issues associated with the signs, and identification of state and regional policies on the management and use of CMSs. Recommended guidelines for the management and use of CMSs are included in this report. (Author/publisher)

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20061970 ST [electronic version only]

Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky, Kentucky Transportation Center, 2001, IV + 46 p., 11 ref.; Research Report KTC-01-14/SPR233-00-1F

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