Managing freeway/arterial corridors : workshop report.

Korpal, P.R.

Discussion at the workshop was limited to the management of car traffic in a corridor containing a freeway and at least one parallel arterial road. Discussion covered: (1) policy and management issues; (2) driver interface issues; and (3) infrastructure and equipment issues. A suggested approach for (1) was the creation of a Joint Operations Group, to act as a forum for review and evaluation throughout the planning, design, implementation and operation of the corridor management system. For driver interface issues; three areas were mentioned: (a) driver education; (b) the provision of driver information; and (c) the need for effective information dissemination to the corridor users. In terms of the infrastructure and equipment issues, some specific areas require development to fully utilise the benefits associated with corridor management and these are briefly described.

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C 10889 (In: C 10866) /73 / IRRD 832099

In: Traffic control methods : proceedings of the 5th Engineering Foundation Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Santa Barbara, California, February 26 - March 3, 1989, p. 239-246

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