Manövrerings- och balansegenskaper hos olika cykeltyper : en litteraturgenomgang och en experimentell studie. (Manoeuvrability and stability performance of different types of bicycles : a literature survey and experimental study.)

Arnberg, P.W. Tydén, T. & Norén, B.

The following report consists of two parts: a survey of earlier investigations concerning bicycles characterized by extreme handlebars and small wheel diameters and an experiment with 18 twelve-year-old boys in which six different bicycles were evaluated in regard to their manoeuvrability and stability performance in a series of ten tests. (In Swedish).

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B 22292 S /91/ IRRD 211699

Stockholm, Statens väg- och trafikinstitut VTI, 1975, 50 p., fig., tab., ref.; VTI Rapport No. 45.

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