Mass-media publicity campaign on driving while intoxicated.

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Amsterdam, 9-12 September 1986.
Wesemann, P.
Mass media publicity campaigns against driving while intoxicated have been conducted in the netherlands for a number of years. A new, more aggressive approach was introduced in 1984 with the slogan ""alcohol ..... all too easily a crime"". Goals of this campaign were (1) internationalization of the legal norm (0.5 promille) (2) increased social control and (3) increased knowledge on sanctions and sobering remedies. An evaluation was conducted with the main objective to determine whether or not the campaign goals were more fully realised in areas where the campaign was intensively conducted in comparison to the rest of the country where the population was exposed to (primarily) only radio and tv commercials. Results indicated that the intensive campaign at least in some aspects achieved results more quickly and in other aspects achieved a stable long term effect.

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Verschenen in
Alcohol, drugs end traffic safety -T86.
Noordzij, P.C.; Roszbach, R. (eds.)
Stad congres
Datum congres
9-12 September 1986
Gepubliceerd door
Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam


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