A mathematical model for evaluating priority lane operations on freeways. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, 1971.

Sparks, G.A. & A.D. May

A mathematical model evaluated the total passenger travel time under existing operations and this was compared with the total passenger travel time expected to be expended if one or more freeway lanes were reserved for multi-occupant vehicles. It was found that situations exist in which the total passenger travel time expended on a given freeway facility for a particular period of time may be reduced by adopting priority lane operations. If a decrease in total passenger travel time is observed by the adoption of a particular priority lane strategy, it is usually the result of providing preferential service to those in multi-occupant vehicles. This preferential service would be expected to induce a shift in the vehicle occupancy distribution and result in an increased average occupancy for the facility. Increasing the average occupancy makes it possible in particular situations not only to reduce the total passenger travel time expended and to increase the passenger capacity but also to decrease the individual travel times for all persons using the facility. A computer program has been prepared for evaluating the mathematical model. In applying the computer model, an investigator is able (1) to investigate all possible priority lane strategies and select those that show promise for more detailed investigation, and (2) to carry out a sensitivity analysis of the effects of parameters such as vehicle occupancy shift, increased demand, and change in modal split. /author/

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A 7104 IRRD 200734

Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, 1971, 30 p., ref., graph. / Also published in: Highway Research Record HRR, No. 363, p. 27-42, 27 ref.

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