A mathematical programming model for bus traffic in a network.

Erlander, S. & Scheele, S.

Assume that a bus network is given, i.e. we are given a network of streets on which certain bus lines have been set up. Let the total number of buses be given. Assume furthermore that the total demand for bus transportation is given in the form of the marginal totals of an origin-destination matrix, i.e. the total demand for travel from certain origins as well as the total demand for travel to certain destinations is given. By utilising tomlin's combined distribution assignment approach the problem of determining the complete travel pattern and deciding which bus frequencies to use on the various lines is formulated as a non-linear programming problem with some interesting features. For the covering abstract of the symposium please see irrd abstract no. 224453.

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C 42551 (In: B 7417) /71 /72 / IRRD 224479

In: Transportation and traffic theory : proceedings of the sixth international symposium on transportation and traffic theory, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 26-28 August 1974, p. 581-605, 17 ref.

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