Mathematical simulation of the pedestrian leg in lateral impact.

Bermond, F. Cesari, D. Alonzo, F. & Matyjewski, M.

This study developed a mathematical dynamic model of a pedestrian leg in a sideways impact by using the MAthematical DYnamic MOdel (MADYMO) two-dimensional computer program. This model was used in order to test car fronts. The aim was to estimate the severity of knee joint lesions, and to predict the risk of leg injuries in car/pedestrian accidents. The study evaluated the effects of the bumper, of the grill stiffness, of the bumper height, and of the position, and the value of the mass representing the upper body. The results of the model were compared with those obtained with an instrumented mechanical leg used in the bumper impact test. This mechanical leg was developed by INRETS for a joint programme involving several European research institutes. This programme was sponsored by the European Communities. The aim was to evaluate the protection offered by a car in a pedestrian collision. The model was improved until it minimises the difference in the results of these two approaches. (A)

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C 3363 (In: C 3357) /84 /91 / IRRD 871387

In: Proceedings of the 1992 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Verona, Italy, September 9-10-11, 1992, p. 61-72, 18 ref.

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