Mathematical statistics with Mathematica.

Rose, C. & Smith, M.

This book and software package presents a unified approach for doing mathematical statistics with Mathematica. The mathStatica software empowers the student with the ability to solve difficult problems. The professional statistician will be able to tackle tricky multivariate distributions, generating functions, inversion theorems, symbolic maximum likelihood estimation, unbiased estimation, and the checking and correcting of textbook formulae. This is the ideal companion for researchers and students in statistics, econometrics, engineering, physics, psychometrics, economics, finance, biometrics, and the social sciences. CD 1 includes: Mathematica (trial CD): for readers who are new to Mathematica. CD 2 includes: mathStatica, containing the application pack for mathematical statistics; live interactive book that is identical to the printed text; hundreds of live examples, animations and illustrations; custom Mathematica palettes. (A)

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3 + 17 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


20020748 ST

Berlin [etc.], Springer Verlag, 2002, XIII + 481 p., 136 ref. + 2 CD-ROM's - ISBN 0-387-95234-9

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