The maturing airport people mover field : four rounds of experience at Tampa International Airport.

Smith, L.L.

In the late 1950s the first pedestrian conveyor device was installed in Love Field in Dallas, Texas. Airport planners wanted to eliminate the long walk. A decade passed and a small people mover system was installed at Houston Intercontinental Airport in 1969. The system connected the unit terminals and eventually the airport hotel in a small underground loop and was an attractive passenger convenience. In 1971 Tampa International Airport incorporated four people mover shuttles as a "must ride" feature of the landside-airside hub-and-spoke layout. The instant success was quickly translated into a series of similar installations, all provided by Westinghouse -- the only vendor with a proved technology at that time. In the mid-1980s a fifth shuttle was added. Currently a smaller, non-Westinghouse system to link a new parking garage is being built, and a sixth shuttle is planned. Facts and impressions on the basis of experience with four rounds of procuring and operating people movers are presented.

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C 25902 (In: C 25885 S) IRRD 850083

In: Public transit research : rail, bus and new technology 1991, Transportation Research Record TRR 1308, p. 130-133

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