A maximum likelihood model for psychophysical data and response times.

Storms, G.

A model for the simultaneous scaling of repeated pairwise psychophysical or preference judgments is introduced, and a data analysis algorithm for the model is presented. A psychophysical experiment and a simultation study are described that validate the model. It is argued that the model provides good estimates of the (psychophysical or preference) scale parameters. It is also shown that the assumption of an underlying lognormal distribution for the response times is robust in terms of goodness of recovery and to a certain extent in terms of goodness of fit.

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Leuven, Catholic University of Leuven KUL, Department of Psychology, 1994, 26 p., 15 ref.; Research Report ; No. 94-8 / Paper published in `Recent progress in mathematical psychology', edited by C. Dowling, F.S. Roberts, and P. Theuns, New York, Erlbaum, 1995

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