Means of safety and security in motor vehicles.

Al-Khalaf, K.

This paper considers design standards for cars in the Middle East concerning the protection of occupants and protection of the environment. Safety requirements for the protection of occupants covering impact testing, safety belts, windshield, head restraints, steering column and tires are discussed and the relevant Gulf Standards listed. A number of recommendations are made concerning the environment, motor vehicle users, pedestrians and the motor vehicle itself. In the latter section it is suggested that safety levels be raised, controls on spare parts and tires tightened, training provided for maintenance work and production of lead-free petrol increased. Maximum exhaust fume concentrations of various pollutants are also recommended for both diesel and petrol engines.

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C 1484 (In: C 1480) /93 /91 / IRRD 856305

In: Proceedings of the international part of the International symposium road traffic accidents, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 9-12, 1992, p. 37-42

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