Measurement and analysis of physiological response to film.

Levonian, E. & Case, H.W.

The project ot be reported here involved the development of a system which should prove useful in educational film research. The system allows the measurement and analysis of physiological response of students viewing a motion picture (hereafter referred to an a film) in the classroom. It is expected that this system will allow an attack on research problems which involve film and which cannot be adequately investigated by procedures restricted to verbal response. The system developed in this project should prove useful in both areas of research which involve films.The first area of research involves the investigation of some concept, such as emotion. learning- perception, attitude intelligence, or personality, and in which the procedure involves audiovisual material presented by film. The second area of research involves the investigation of the effectiveness of film material. Since the procedure developed in this study constitutes a tool for both areas of research, no distinction will be made between these two areas of research kin this report both will be subsumed under "research involving film".

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Los Angeles, CA, University of California, 1962; Rep 62-66

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