Measurement of eyeblink frequency variation for cognitive dysfunction patients’ safe driving skill evaluation.

Urashima, A. Otsuki, Y. & Toriyama, T.

As cognitive dysfunction can cause unsafe driving, it is necessary to evaluate the driving skills of the cognitive dysfunction patients. The authors have been studying the safe driving skill evaluation system with wearable sensors, and found some characteristics of the unsafe driving behavior of the cognitive dysfunction patients. In this paper, they focus on the eyeblink frequency that is said to be affected by cognitive processes. They carried out the driving experiment in real traffic condition at Kanazawa, Japan in Oct. 2015. When they extracted the eyeblink frequency from the EOG (electrooculography) data of the experiment, there was a difference between healthy subject and cognitive dysfunction subject in the degree of eyeblink frequency variation in the situation that requires attention. From this results, it is possible that the eyeblink frequency while driving includes useful information for analyzing the driving skill of cognitive dysfunction patients. (Author/publisher)

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In: HCII Human-Computer Interaction International Posters, Part I. : Communications in Computer and Information Science, edited by C. Stephanidis, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2017, p. 397-401, 5 ref.

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