Mechanical properties of bitumen roadbase mixes. Paper presented at the 4th International Rilem Symposium-MTBM, Lyon, France, May 1997.

Said, S.F. & Johansson, S.

Recently alternative mixes have been marketed for roadbase layers. In order to study the performance of these layers, eight test sections each having a length of 200 meters have been built into a newly constructed road. The test results presented here are focused on the stiffness and fatigue properties of a large aggregate bitumious mix, and a conventional roadbase mix consisting of a bituminous gravel (AG 25) as a reference mix. Experiments in the laboratory and in a Circular Test Track constitute the first part of this work. Stiffness and fatigue properties of cores drilled from the circular test sections have been determined in the laboratory using Indirect Tensile Test. Both the test track and laboratory tests are carried out at a temperature of 10°C. The laboratory results of the tests on the mixes are compared with the results obtained from the Test Track. (Author/publisher)

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C 24878 S /22 /31 / IRRD 490637

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1997, 5 p., 3 ref.; VTI Särtryck; No. 275 - ISSN 1102-626X

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