Medication and fitness to drive.

del Rio, M.C. & Alvarez, F.J.

The aim of this study is to analyse the consumption patterns of medicaments among motor vehicle drivers who attend 'Medical Driving Test Centers' and the relation between habitual consumption of medicaments and fitness to drive. The study was carried out on 8043 drivers who attended 25 Medical Driving Test Centers. 24.7% of drivers chronically consume medicaments while 6.8% consume medicaments along with alcohol every day. Of those who chronically consume medicaments with a warning about the medications on driving, 65.8% were considered 'fit' to drive, 27.3% 'fit with restrictions', 5.1% 'suspended' and 0.4% 'unfit'. The results show how frequent the consumption of medicaments along with alcohol is and that the great majority of drivers who take medicaments are considered fit to drive. (Author/publisher)

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C 26361 [electronic version only]

Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Vol. 12 (2003), No. 5 (July-August), p. 389-394, 17 ref.

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