Mehr Qualität für Beschilderung und Markierung.

Giesa, S.

Visihility and legibility of road signs guarantee that these fulfil their task properly. Recognition at night requires that the signs be either illuminated or reflectorized. As a rule, reflectorized signs are to be preferred, because they are effective continuously and not likely to get out of order as is possible with a lighting system. With regard to pavement marking, materials of good quality have been at disposal for quite some time but, nevertheless, the quality of many markings still leaves much to be desired.

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B 20777 (In: B 20762) /85/73/ IRRD 257250

In: Roads into the future : documentation 9th IRF World Meeting, Stockholm, June 1-5, 1981, Session TS-3, p. 187-200, 4 fig., 3 ref.

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