Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle engines to meet worldwide environmental requirements.

Rubi, V. Schittler, M. & Fränkle, G.

This paper considers the task faced by manufacturers in developing engines to meet the emission standards of a number of different countries. Compliance with EURO 1, EURO 2 and US 94 specifications are described in particular. Details are given of the development of the Mercedes Benz commercial vehicle range with turbocharged, intercooled engines. Technological developments in the combustion process are described and illustrated. The use of electronic injection systems and engine operation at high altitudes in Mexico are discussed. The use of gas engines is outlined.

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C 4993 (In: C 4987 ) /15 /90 /91 / IRRD 875009

In: Automobile in harmony with human society : proceedings of the XXVth Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Ingenieurs des Techniques de l'Automobile FISITA congress, Beijing, October 17-21, 1994, Volume 3: Vehicle and environment, Technical Paper No. 945116, p. 50-62, 6 ref.

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