Met het oog op '86 : advies over the Nationaal Plan Verkeersveiligheid.


The National Council Traffic Safety criticises the governmental National Plan for Traffic Safety for the coming years. The Council thinks that more attention should be paid to the prevention of accidents than to the limitation of the gravity of the accidents. Financing; the Plan should be a matter of different ministries and not only of the Transport ministry. The total amount of the money available for the plan should be known beforehand. The plan is too general and makes too many choices in too many different fields. It is not clear what will happen after 1985 with the plan. The minister had to bring down the budget and has diTni ai sled the finances of part of the 1'1 an by the same percentage of 40-45. The Council thinks that first it must be clear how much money the Dutch want to spend on a safe mobility before read just in the Plan for 1986 and later. The SWOV is considered an important institute in the research, in the provision of information and in the planning of traffic safety by lower authorities also.

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B 23474 /72 /

Den Haag, Raad voor de Verkeersveiligheid, 1984, 16 p. + var. app., tab., ref.


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