Meteorological influences on the transmission of traffic noise. Paper presented at the International Conference on Noise Control Engineering, Warsaw, September 11-13, 1979.

Moerkerken, A. & Wijk, H.J.L. van

Under various meteorological conditions 170 sets of measurements have been made of sound from a straight motorway. Each set consists of a reference measurement near the road and corresponding measurements at remote positions. Large variations occurred which can be linked to influences of wind and temperature gradients. A set of meteorological conditions (meteo-window) is presented which allows fairly reproducible immission measurements.

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13 + 5 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 16837 fo /93.1/ IRRD 248915

Delft, Technisch Physische Dienst TNO-TH, 1979, 5 p., graph., tab., ref.

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