A method for understanding and predicting destination choices.

Stopher, P.R.

The principal goal of the research reported here is to develop a prototype model of destination choice from the basis of individual-choice hypotheses and the application of attitudinal enquiry. The next task of the research was to develop a data base appropriate for testing the hypotheses of the research. A variety of models were constructed from the data and subjected to a number of tests. The resulting models indicate that attractiveness of alternative non-grocery shopping destinations is based on quality, variety satisfaction, and parking. Quality is the most important attractiveness aspect of shopping destination choice.

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B 17744 /83/

Evanson, Northwestern University, 1979, X + 228 p. + app. graph., tab., ref.; DOT/RSPA/DPB-50/79/39 / NTIS PB80-176027

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