Methodiek voor het opstellen van bereikbaarheidsprofielen van regio's. In opdracht van de provincie Noord-Holland, op verzoek van het Interprovinciaal Overleg IPO.

Hilbers, H. & Wilmink, I.

Within the framework of the area-based elaborations from the new Dutch National Traffic and Transport Plan (NVVP), regions have started to set up area profiles and accompanying accessibility profiles. Those accessibility profiles should provide insight into the offered and (from the perspective of spatial planning ambitions) required accessibility per (combination of) mode(s) of transport. Regions have until February 2001 to prepare their elaborations and concrete propositions for projects. Commissioned by the `Interprovinciaal Overleg' (IPO), TNO Inro has developed a methodology that supports the regions in their elaborations of the area and accessibility profiles. Starting point is that accessibility can be divided into two components: proximity (distance between origin and destination), and the transport system quality (travel speed and comfort). The methodology consists of the following parts: (1) perception of the desired developments in the region; (2) objectives: description of the accessibility and quality of life that should be achieved with the accessibility profile; (3) which functions are assigned to the different transport networks, to achieve those goals; (4) what is required of the transport networks to fulfil those functions; (5) which indicator can be used to describe whether the requirements are met; (6) how can bottlenecks, situations where the requirements cannot be met, be identified; and (7) which measures can remove the bottlenecks.

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C 16145 [electronic version only] /72 /10 / ITRD E203689

Delft, TNO Infrastructuur, Transport en Regionale Ontwikkeling Inro, Afdeling Verkeer en Vervoer, 2000, IX + 41 p.; TNO-rapport Inro-V&V/2000-16 / 00/NV/235 - ISBN 90-6743-746-8

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